Showing 17–32 of 169 results

  • Arctostaphylos pajaroensis

    Paradise manzanita This manzanita is a true rock star in the plant world, and has gotten major horticultural attention in recent years due to it’s attractive flowers and variable foliage. Flowers color ranges from electric pink to pure white,  and the foliage can range from slate blue to gray-green to dark green. Considered medium sized,…

  • Arctostaphylos patula

    Greenleaf manzanita Greenleaf manzanita is an evergreen, upright, mounding, slow growing shrub that grows up to 7 feet tall and wide. Space 4-6′ apart. The plentiful white to pink urn shaped flowers arrive in the winter through spring. The stems are reddish brown and shiny making the bark an attractive feature. The berries and structure…

  • Arctostaphylos pungens

    Pointleaf Manzanita Pointleaf manzanita is an erect, evergreen, spreading shrub that grows to about 3-6′ tall and wide. Takes on a beautiful shape This shrub thrives in dry, shallow, acidic soils heavy with gravel and sand, and forms relationships with mycorrhizae to obtain extra nutrients and water. Excellent for both hummingbird and songbird gardens as…

  • Arctostaphylos uva ursi ‘Point Reyes’

    Point Reyes Bearberry ‘Point Reyes’ is super-tough with superb heat and drought tolerance. Spreading, mat-forming evergreen shrub; thick, dark green, rounded and trailing-to-arching, snake-like branches and small, leathery leaves. It grows from 1.5′ tall and 4-6′ wide. Great in full sun on the coast or with a little shade inland, it produces sweet clusters of…

  • Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Green Supreme’

    Green Supreme bearberry Arctostaphylos u. ‘Green Supreme’ is very compact and low growing with a spread of between 6-10 ft, and a height of approximately 6 in. Small, bright green, oblong leaves with red branches and stems.  Flowers are delicate with a soft pink color.  Blooms begin in late spring.  This species does not flower…

  • Arctostaphylos virgata


    Marin Manzanita This manzanita species is endemic to Marin county and can be found in the chaparral and forests of Point Reyes National Seashore. This evergreen woody shrub grows about 6.5″-16″ tall. The small pinkish-white flowers are urn-shaped and hang in clusters. Blooms The leaves are long and narrow compared to many other manzanitas. All…

  • Arctostaphylos viscida

    Sticky whiteleaf manzanita This is one of the most drought resistant and handsome species of manzanita. It forms a beautiful specimen large shrub–stout, neat, and densely foliated up to 15 ft. tall x 5-6 ft. in spread. Space 6-8′ apart. It may be pruned as a small tree, grown in a large container, or even…

  • Armeria maritima


    Sea thrift Sea thrift is a compact, low-growing plant which forms a dense, mounded tuft of stiff, linear, grass-like, dark green leaves (to 4″ tall). Tufts will spread slowly to 8-12″ wide This small herbaceous perennial is an excellent plant for rock gardens, or perennial boarders. It performs best in part shade inland, and full…

  • Artemisia californica


    California sagebrush This perennial shrub grows 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. California sagebrush looks great growing with sticky monkey flower in the garden.  The plant can be cut back periodically to keep it more compact. California sagebrush is the preferred nesting site of the federally threatened California gnat catcher, and quail love it….

  • Asclepias eriocarpa

    Indian milkweed Indian or Woollypod milkweed is a winter dormant perennial that can grow up to 3′ tall. This milkweed is one 15 milkweeds native to California. Its cluster of cream with purple tinged flowers appear from May – October. The large densely hairy leaves provide food for the larval stage of the Monarch butterfly….

  • Astragalus nuttalii


    Nuttall’s Milkvetch Nuttall’s Milkvetch is an evergreen perennial herb that forms thick, tangled clumps of stems from 0.5′ – 3′ tall on the bluffs of coastal habitats. This species is used to seaside conditions, so it can tolerate salt spray, sand, and clay. In harsh conditions, stems may be quite hairy and soft, but in…

  • Atriplex leucophylla


    Beach Salt Bush Beach Salt Bush This is a short, sprawling perennial reaching a maximum height near 1 foot tall. It is native to the coastline of California and Baja California, and the Channel Islands, where it is a resident of beach dunes and other sandy areas. It will grow happily in all garden type…

  • Baccharis pilularis (prostrate)


    Prostrate Coyote Brush This low mounding form of coyote brush is a fast growing evergreen shrub that reaches 3-4′ in height and 4 – 6′ wide. It is perhaps the best all-around western-native ground covers. For those who garden for wildlife this is an ideal candidate for providing habitat for insects, butterflies, and birds. When…

  • Baccharis pilularis (Shrub)


    Coyote brush This evergreen shrub grows 3-6′ tall and matures in one to two years. Use this classic Californian shrub in the landscape as an evergreen hedge and prune to desired shape or grow loosely with plants such as California rose, sticky monkey flower, or California sagebrush. Coyote bush can be used for restoration and…

  • Baccharis salicifolia


    Mule fat This deciduous perennial shrub is fairly drought-tolerant, and exhibits rapid growth to 8-10′ tall. Mulefat grows in dry rocky arroyos with an upright open form. It sprouts suckers, forming a graceful thicket which can provide good cover for birds. Excellent screening replacement plant for Oleander. Good for habitat gardens as both cover and…

  • Berberis nevinii

    Nevin’s barberry Nevin’s Barberry is an endangered evergreen shrub that is endemic to chaparral washes of the San Fernando Valley. Adapts to most soil types but does best in coarse, well drained slopes. Grows slowly to about 6′-10′ wide and tall, can reach up to 13′ at the highest. Layered spikes of cup-shaped fragrant blossoms…