Showing 17–32 of 144 results

  • Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ‘Green Supreme’

    Green Supreme bearberry Arctostaphylos u. ‘Green Supreme’ is very compact and low growing with a spread of between 6-10 ft, and a height of approximately 6 in. Small, bright green, oblong leaves with red branches and stems.  Flowers are delicate with a soft pink color.  Blooms begin in late spring.  This species does not flower…

  • Argentina anserina


    Pacific silverweed This lovely spreading perennial grows about 2-6″ tall and can spread up to 3 feet. In its native habitat Pacific Silverweed will be found in wetlands including brackish marshes around the bay area. In your garden if you have a section that stays moist and looking for a ground cover than this plant…

  • Artemisia californica


    California sagebrush This perennial shrub grows 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. California sagebrush looks great growing with sticky monkey flower in the garden.  The plant can be cut back periodically to keep it more compact. California sagebrush is the preferred nesting site of the federally threatened California gnat catcher, and quail love it….

  • Atriplex californica

    California saltbush California saltbush is a low, spreading, perennial. It works great as groundcover in sandy coastal areas. The small flowers  (April-November) pack a big punch by providing seed for birds and small mammals. In the garden it can used as silver contrast for green-foliage plants.  

  • Baccharis pilularis ‘Twin Peaks II’

    Twin Peaks II coyote brush Twin Peaks II’ is one of the fastest, toughest, densest evergreen native large scale ground covers. Grows easily to 8 ft. wide and 2 – 3 ft. tall. Drought tolerant but monthly water helps it look better – shear hard annually in spring to keep rejuvenated. Sun on coast, afternoon…

  • Baccharis pilularis (prostrate)


    Prostrate Coyote Brush This low mounding form of coyote brush is a fast growing evergreen shrub that reaches 3-4′ in height and 4 – 6′ wide. It is perhaps the best all-around western-native ground covers. For those who garden for wildlife this is an ideal candidate for providing habitat for insects, butterflies, and birds. When…

  • Baccharis pilularis (Shrub)


    Coyote brush This evergreen shrub grows 3-6′ tall and matures in one to two years. Use this classic Californian shrub in the landscape as an evergreen hedge and prune to desired shape or grow loosely with plants such as California rose, sticky monkey flower, or California sagebrush. Coyote bush can be used for restoration and…

  • Berberis nevinii

    Nevin’s barberry Nevin’s Barberry is an endangered evergreen shrub that is endemic to chaparral washes of the San Fernando Valley. Adapts to most soil types but does best in coarse, well drained slopes. Grows slowly to about 6′-10′ wide and tall, can reach up to 13′ at the highest. Layered spikes of cup-shaped fragrant blossoms…

  • Bolboschoenus maritimus


    Cosmopolitan bulrush Cosmopolitan bulrush is creeping perennial up to 4′ tall with rhizomes that will fill in a moist creek or salt marsh bank.  This plant is excellent for erosion control. It is hardy to zone 6. It is in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen from August to September. The flowers…

  • Bouteloua gracilis


    Blue grama Blue grama is a perennial drought-resistant short grass – grows about 1 foot tall. Grows in bunches that can spread through tillers. Space 15-18″ apart. Blue grama has become a popular garden accent grass due to its green to greyish color and interesting seed heads which resemble small penants. It is a great…

  • Bromus carinatus


    California bromegrass California brome is a short lived medium-tall, competitive, native bunchgrass valued for its rapid and easy establishment for re-vegetation and erosion control purposes. Space 30-36″ apart. The deep fibrous root system makes the plant fairly resistant to grazing and drought. Provides good cover for wildlife and the seed is consumed by quail and…

  • Calamagrostis nutkaensis


    Pacific reedgrass Pacific Reedgrass is an evergreen perennial bunchgrass that is mainly a coastal species in moist areas such as beaches, dunes, coastal woodlands, and wetlands. It prefers full sun along the coast, but is tolerant of partial shade inland. It forms thick tufts that can reach up to 3.3 ft. tall with several flat…

  • Calycanthus occidentalis


    Western spicebush This deciduous shrub to multi-stemmed small tree grows to 8′ tall and 8′ wide in an erect, dense, rounded form.  This plant is a moderate to fast grower and provides good erosion control and soil binding ability when planted along stream banks. Grows taller with ample water. Spicebush is named for its fragrant…

  • Calystegia macrostegia


    Island morning glory This versatile morning glory can take the form of a low herbaceous vine or a stout, woody, climber approaching 9 meters in length. The flowers change from white to pale-pink during their long bloom period, which lasts from February through July. It has a handsome appearance even without flowers. In the winter,…

  • Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia


    Beach Evening Primrose Beach primrose is a low, fast-growing, spreading perennial. It forms dense mats of light green-to-silvery foliage 2′ wide x 6″ to 12″ high. The ground-hugging habitat makes this plant an excellent choice for erosion control in sandy soil.  Likes to reseed. Makes an excellent container plant inland. Canary yellow flowers turn red…

  • Carex athrostachya


    Slenderbeak sedge Slenderbeak sedge grows in clumps to about 30″ tall with a dense inflorescence just under an inch long. As with some other Carex species they do will in very well in wet conditions when the season is wet and also make it though the dry season. It would do great in a wet…