Limnanthes douglasii


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Common Meadow Foam

Also called “poached egg plant”, this low-growing annual meadowflower blooms from March – July. It is adapted for the poorly drained soils of vernal pools and spring meadows, but is occasionally found in drier environments.

It is a popular ornamental plant, The blooms make wonderful cut flowers. These fragrant yellow flowers are cup-shaped with white tipped petals. a It is popularly used in the garden as an edge plant. It vigorously self-seeds, capable of forming a seasonal weed-suppressing groundcover.

Promotes natural aphid control by attracting aphid-eating hover flies!

Lifeform: Annual

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Light, Moderate

Soil: Clay, Loam, Sand

Other: Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies


Ecological Value

A butterfly magnet.

Historical Uses

This native species was first discovered by David Douglas, a Scottish botanist commissioned to collect native American plants suitable for the gardens of Great Britain


It is native to California and Oregon.


Below 3280 feet


It grows in wet, grassy habitat, such as vernal pools and spring meadows.