Atriplex lentiformis


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This evergreen (drought deciduous) shrub grows to 8′ tall and can be used in the native garden as a border or windbreak.

The yellowish flowers are small, but the bloom is followed by an attractive and abundant display of pinkish fruit.

A great plant for tolerating salty soils; also excellent for bird and butterfly gardens.  Quail and other birds use its seeds for food and its foliage for cover. Rabbits like it too, so protect the plant until established.

All of the plant is edible, young shoots suitable for greens.

Sun: Full Sun

Water: Dry, Light

Soil:Clay, Sand

Other: Attracts Birds, Attracts Butterflies, Drought Tolerant

Ecological Value

A great plant for tolerating salty and alkaline soils, this plant is also great for a bird and butterfly garden. Quail and other birds use its seeds for food, and its foliage for cover.


2-Gal, D-16-O, D-40-O, 5-GalS, D-16, D-16S, D-16S-o, D-40, D-40S, D-40S-o, TB4

Historical Uses

Pima Indians pit-cured and dried big saltbrush seeds for a thick gruel. Chauilla were similar in usage as well as use of the flour to make small cakes, use of leaves as a soap, and use of flowers, ste


Central California, southern Nevada, Utah, and central Arizona into Baja California and Sonora, Mexico


Between 0 and 4921 feet


Alkaline or saline washes